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Admission to non university higher education studies Name of secondary school credential required: Título de Bachillerato
Admission to university-level studies Name of secondary school credential required: Título de Bachillerato For entry to: Facultades, Colegios Universitarios, Escuelas Superiores Técnicas Alternatives to credentials: Over 25s Aptitude test organized by the UNED University, Bachillerato (or COU) and a specific aptitude test for artistic studies. Título de Técnico Especialista (or Técnico Superior) for direct access to specific university studies related to previous studies. Entrance exams required: Students must sit for the Prueba de Accesso a la Universidad, except for the Escuelas Universitarias (only Bachillerato, COU or Título de Técnico Especialista/Técnico Superior). Other admission requirements: Curso de Orientación Universitaria and Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad.
Foreign students admission Admission requirements: Students must have completed their secondary education studies and have them recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education. They must also sit for the Prueba de Aptitud de Acceso a la Universidad. Entry regulations: Foreign students must have a residence permit and financial guarantees. Health requirements: Health visa Language requirements: Students from non-Spanish speaking countries must sit for an examination. Universities organize language courses.
Application procedures: Apply to individual institution for entry to: The institution concerned. Application closing dates: For non-university level (technical/vocational type) studies: 1 Jul For university level studies: 1 Jul For advanced/doctoral studies: 1 Jul
Recognition of studies & qualifications: Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials): NARIC, Subdirección General de Títulos, Convalidaciones y Homologaciones, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Head: Nieves Trelles, Asesora Técnica
Paseo del Prado 28-4a Tel: +34(91) 506-5593 Fax: +34(91) 506-5706
Deals with credential recognition for entry to: University and Profession Services provided & students dealt with: Provides information to foreigners wishing to follow studies in Spain who apply for the recognition of their diplomas or partial studies obtained or pursued abroad.
Other information sources on recognition of foreign studies: Universities' governing bodies have full authority to recognize both the courses taken in foreign institutions which have not led to a standard qualification and the courses which have led to standard qualifications but whose recognition has been refused by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.
Special provisions for recognition: For access to university level studies: Foreign higher education qualifications awarded by authorized higher education institutions (where the courses leading to the awards have been taken), once they have been recognized, have the same academic and professional equivalence as the corresponding Spanish official higher education qualifications. Foreign higher education qualifications can be recognized as equivalent to the Spanish Diplomado, Arquitecto, Técnico or Ingeniero Técnico degrees, as the case may be, provided they are equivalent to existing Spanish qualifications awarded by Spanish universities at the time the application for recognition is submitted.The recognition of foreign qualifications can only be applied to qualifications included in the catalogue of official university qualifications.The Universities Council plays a major role in the recognition process. The contents and duration of courses leading to the respective qualifications submitted for recognition and their equivalence to the educational content of Spanish and EU qualifications are evaluated by sub-committees of experts on different areas of knowledge.
For access to advanced studies and research: (see above) For the exercise of a profession: (see above)
Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies Name of agreement: Convention On the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Europe Year of signature: 1979
References to further information on foreign student admissions and recognition of studies Title: Cursos para extranjeros en España Publisher: Secretaría de Estado de Universidades e Investigación Title: Estudios en España: II. Nivel universitario Author: Spain. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Secretaría General Técnica Publisher: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Title: Guía básica sobre régimen académica y acceso para alumnos con estudios en el extranjero Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Vice-Rectorado de Alumnos Title: Homologación y Convalidación de Títulos y Estudios Extranjeros Publisher: Secretaría General Técnica. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Title: Las Enseñanzas universitarias en España y en la Comunidad Económica Europea Author: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
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