Education in
Study Abroad Japan.
education is provided by Universities 'daigaku', Junior Colleges 'tanki-daigaku'
and Colleges of Technology 'koto-senmongakko'. These institutions may be
public (national, prefectural or municipal) or private. The Ministry must
approve the foundation of institutions of higher education and they are
under its control. Some 70 per cent of the 'daigaku' and 85 per cent of
the 'tanki-daigaku' are private institutions. Universities include one or
several faculties offering four-year courses in a variety of subjects. Public
universities are mainly financed from national and local funds. Private
universities and colleges are financed by students' fees and private funds.
The national government provides private institutions with grants for about
one-third of current expenditures.
Colleges and Colleges of Technology do not grant university-level qualifications,
but students holding the Associate Degree may pursue their studies in universities.
of instruction: